Monday, June 15, 2015

Security 2, the second security assignment

Security 2, the second security assignment

1. Using terminal there is a way to reset privacy data on your Mac. Write a short paragraph on how to do this. Include a graphic.

2. Find two tips from the site below that are useful for Mac security. Include some information on the tip and a graphic.

3. What does the "security" terminal command do? Give two uses with screen shots.

4. Is it possible to view passwords through the terminal? Follow up on the discussion below and write a sentence about this topic.

5. In these OSX secrets pages  there are a lists of undocumented or interesting features, some with security implications. Pick two and comment on why you thought they were interesting. Give a screen shot and report of the result of using one of them.

6. Using Safari. Write a paragraph with illustrations that concern three aspects of Safari security like deleting cookies, history and passwords as in the site below.

7. Comment on THREE of the following and state how they impact on security.
( keeps one window private)
(duckduckgo access )
(deleting history)
(using iCloud password as OS X password)

8. Second security essay.  I have just opened a small software business in Dunedin with two other employees: a programmer and an administrator. We use three Macs in our office. One for administration and two for doing client work, mostly HTML and JavaScript. Sometimes we let out kids play on the machines. Write about 300 words on what you, an Apple security adviser, would recommend for keeping our system secure. Make your report give a priority to the security concerns. That is, start with the most important stuff and say why this is first. Keep your writing formal, correct and well set out. You can use graphics if you like but you don't have to.

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